June 13

Kids had a good swimming lesson again today. We had a little party for Mitchell at our house. 5 kids, no adults but Tim and I. Dead easy! Kids played, ate dinner, played, ate cake, played and then we opened gifts and walked everyone home. 2 hours and easiest party I’ve ever hosted. I’ve added some pictures.

Surprise from a Friend

We found out that it was Mitchell’s birthday today. Of course, the kids want to celebrate with him somehow so I phoned his Dad once the kids were in bed to find out if he could come for dinner tomorrow night. No problem, he’ll be excited said his Dad. One hour later, our doorbell rings but no one is there and this is what I find on our doorstep. He’s such a sweet kid!

Edzea’s Flower Shoppe

I had my book club over tonight. Eight people I believe and Edzea sold 6 of her ten pots. Rohan was her helper and he was putting his hand out for the money for her the whole time. They were both really cute, if I wasn’t hosting, I would have videotaped it. I did get a couple of pictures.

Neve Walked!

Neve started taking steps today on her own. Her own choice. She was usually carrying something/toy in her hand and took a few steps towards me, Rohan and our friend Dev tonight. She walked about 4 or 5 times today. Unfortunately, Daddy missed it and she wouldn’t do it on demand. We’ll see how the next week goes!

Swimming Lessons and more

I’ve got the kids signed up for swimming lessons for the month of June in an outdoor/backyard pool program. Private lessons for each child at the same time. Rohan was the STAR today. I wish Neve had slept so I could have filmed him. Face in/blowing bubbles, floating on his back-almost solo. He was a ROCK STAR! So proud of him.

Edzea on the other hand was HORRIBLE! She mimicked the teacher, continually asked questions about the pool, the area, why there were only girl instructors. Kept comparing it to her lessons at the Goulbourn Pool and SWAM horribly. It was a shock! The instructor was getting her to do beginner stuff she can do standing on her head. I may not put her in the next session, just leave Rohan in solo if she doesn’t improve dramatically! So we are back to bribes for her. IF she swims well, I will take them for ice cream at the end of the week. Rohan doesn’t even need bribes.

She says she just wasn’t used to the pool and couldn’t stand properly. AAAHHH!! She is soooo frustrating. The kid swims like a fish and decides today during her very expensive private lesson to fool around. I couldn’t believe it!

Anyhow, Neve is ALMOST walking. If she would just let go of my little pinkie finger she could do it. I’m not sure what the hesitation is. Maybe when Bumpa gets here in mid-June, she’ll take off! Hopefully.

Here are some pics from the past month of the kids in action: