Aboriginal Day-Civic Holiday in the NWT

Here are some pics of Edzea’s first fair rides. She went on the Ferris Wheel for the first time. First with Mommy & Uncle Allan and later with Daddy. She went on a mini-motorcycle ride, a horse and cart ride and an airplane ride too. The fair is in town until tomorrow.

I took her swimming on her own today too. She is comfortable in the water but cautious. She gets more comfortable each time we go. She now chooses to blow bubbles on her own to practice. Floats on her back with me, and generally plays in the water comfortably. She isn’t ready to float and put her face completely in yet so we’ll just let her go at her own pace.

Happy Father’s Day

Daddy’s first Father’s day as a father of two! Rohan and Edzea bought Daddy some tops for work and made him dinner with Mommy. We had Yose & Maria & Mathieu, Gina, Stuart, Georgia and Owen over for Father’s Day dinner. We made it a potluck and despite Mathieu’s potty training accidents, all went smoothly.

Edzea seems to be doing well in her toddler bed so we’ll see how it goes. The only down side is that she bangs on the door when she is REALLY awake from her nap/night time.

Here are some pics of the kids in their respective new beds.

Also, Edzea in her rain gear for our inclement weather this weekend. Tomorrow is Aboriginal Day so Tim is at home which is why we decided to switch Edzea to her toddler bed this weekend as we’d both be around to deal with her consistently.

Big Girl Bed

So, we officially moved Edzea into a big girl bed today. She is sleeping in it tonight. She ended up in the playpen at nap time. She had an audience for her bedtime tonight with Uncle Allan and Katherine here for storytime and everyone made a BIG deal of her big girl bed. She told them that she wasn’t going to be sleeping in the crib anymore. It was for Rohan.

She helped Daddy set the crib up in Rohan’s room and is excited about her bed but we aren’t sure how she will be when she wakes up and can get to the door. She can’t open the door but she can knock on it like crazy!

Rohan needed the crib. He was waking up way too often in his little bassinette and seems to be sleeping much better/longer tonight in the crib. We were able to watch a movie tonight with Allan and Katherine and no one woke up!

Here are some pics: of Tim and Rohan asleep in our bed in the morning. Like father like son. And then Edzea’s new bed.

Rohan Rolled!

Rohan rolled for the first time that I’ve seen at Gina’s house today. He rolled from his front to his back and then later today he practiced getting on to his tummy from his back…so our boy is rolling! He’s 14 weeks old now or 3 1/2 mos.

Sally has been working hard on the suite while Tim and I offer little bits of assistance where we can. I’m doing the promotions and paperwork and Tim is doing what he can while he is still working during the day.

The weather is summer’y as per usual. Hot and sunny the only difference from last week is that we have now added “BUGGY” into the mix. It was nice while it lasted. I tried to go out and garden at 11pm last night but the mosquitoes chased me inside. So my hanging baskets are still not finished!

The seeds that Edzea and I literally THREW into her garden box a couple of weeks ago have sprouted. I couldn’t believe it. Everyone told me that I was too late for sunflowers but lo and behold they have grown. It’s the combination of being on the sunny side of the house with 24 hrs of daylight and lots of water.

Here are pics from the day Sally arrived at our Family Centre Year end picnic. I don’t have any others up until today as I had misplaced my camera the day Sally arrived. There are some cute pics of Edzea with Grandma’s shoes on from today at the suite.

June Images

Here are some pics from the past week. Rohan is doing some tummy time. He now rolls on to each side at 3mos. He laughs for Daddy mostly or if I’m singing he seems to find that funny!

There are some beach images of an afternoon at Long Lake last week. The water was freezing but that didn’t stop Miss Water-girl. I didn’t even bring her bathing suit because I didn’t think she’d go in but of course she did.

Gina and I took the girls swimming yesterday. I’ve been fighting a cold so Gina took the girls in to the water and had the “easy” job. I was in charge of looking after the babies. You can see from the pics that they were a HANDFUL! Gina and I are taking the girls a couple of times a week in the hopes of teaching them how to swim. Georgia has been doing swimming lessons for a year so Edzea is a bit behind and a year younger but she is so comfortable in the water that I’m hoping that I’ll have her at least floating by the end of summer.

We also have Rohan in his Bumbo chair every day as he really likes to try to sit up.

Edzea said Buenos Dias to us the other day. This is from Dora. I’ve given in to Dora. It’s not a bad show just the paraphenalia that comes with it is offensive.

Rohan is sleeping well. Not through the night yet but he goes to bed between 7-8pm and then sleeps until 2am. Then up once more to feed a few hours later. He’s in bed with Tim right now sleeping in! Of course I’m up with the early bird! 6am this morning.

Grandma arrives today and we are all going to the Family Centre family picnic at Long Lake. Tim is coming too!