
Here we are waiting for Edzea’s new sibling to arrive. The weather is beautiful although we’ve all been fighting illness and hopefully we are on the road to recovery. Mom’s the best of us all. She’s out for a walk whereas I haven’t been able to leave bed/couch for a few days very comfortably. Hopefully by tomorrow, I’ll have regained some energy. Here are a couple of pics of 39 weeks pregnant…and waiting….

Valentine’s Day 2010

Hi there,

We’ve had a pretty low-key Valentine’s Day staying at home as we are all recovering from a mild cold. We’ve baked and decorated some cookies, exchanged some gifts, received some gifts and lost power for about an hour in the middle of Nana Ditters making some dinner!

All is well now and we are looking forward to watching more of the Olympics tonight. Happy Valentine’s Day everyone!