Rohan’s Preschool Christmas Party

I was a duty parent at the preschool today for Rohan’s Christmas party. Here are some pics of him with his teachers etc. Also, some pics from the other day outside in the backyard in the snow. PLUS…Edzea’s longest sentence to date on her own….I will decipher it for you. Santa spoke to her outside of Rohan’s preschool today and said that he saw that she was on his nice list and he’d be coming down the chimney soon. She was thrilled!!!

So, this is what she wrote today,

” I like Santa to tog (talk) to me and say the et (that) I em (am) on the nis (nice) list.”  All by herself. It’s the last picture in this post.

Edzea’s Class Christmas Party

Neve and I were able to attend Edzea’s JK Christmas party this morning. My camera phone wasn’t working well so this is all I got. The one with the adult is her teacher, Mrs. Cardy.

Another Tooth!

Neve’s top eye tooth popped up overnight!!! Top right and it’s out further than her bottom two lowers. Her ear infection seems to be clearing up but to be on the safe side I’m taking lactose out of the equation for a few weeks and then re-introducing it.

The Tree is Up!

Tim took the kids to a tree farm today on Fallowfield Rd. He said it was better than the one last year. Smaller farm, closer to us. And one rate $60 for any tree you bought! So the kids got the horse-drawn wagon ride through the tree fields, there was a warming hut for drinking their hot chocolate, Santa visited and checked out their tree and then a bonfire to warm up at as well. The have a spinner to dry out and wrap the tree. It wasn’t we when it went up. It was great.

Here are some pics:

Tim’s Geek Hot Wheels Birthday Party

So, we had Tim’s party tonight despite the fact that Neve and I have both been ill. It was lots of fun and two of the other families who were going to come had to cancel due to illness. It was nice to have our small group of Yellowknifers. Kids played well, adults got to eat dinner in peace while kids played. Everything went well. Made Tim and ice cream cake as he prefers it to regular cake. SO easy to make and Edzea had fun helping me. I was the only one who dressed up like a geek (Allan and Tim came as themselves!) I got a matching shirt to Tim’s at Walmart. Enjoy the pictures:

Amanda’s Gingerbread House Party

We also attended this party on Saturday morning. I accidentally dropped and shattered Rohan’s house. He asked about his house A LOT on Saturday but then I have been able to keep him off topic since then thank goodness!

Neve has two teeth

Update, Neve’s other bottom tooth popped up late last week too. Just a reminder for myself.  Some pics from the last few weeks. Gymnastics ended for the season. Skiing begins in January. Try to decipher a couple of Edzea’s new sentences: “I like to sit on Santa” and the other one is “I like to make snowflakes”. All on her own.

Made gingerbread cookies today. Rohan did not decorate ONE! He just ate. When we were finishing dinner he asked where all the decorations were on his gingerbread lollipop, suspicious that we had all taken them off. I said, Rohan you didn’t put anything on it remember? ” Oh, ” he says. We all laughed.

Neve News!

Neve’s first bottom front left tooth has popped up as of Nov.29th. Finally!!! She is smacking her lips together and running her tongue over and over and over her tooth. There was literally no drooling or fussines…unless last weekend’s fever was the precursor????

When we phoned Nana to tell her about Neve’s new tooth, a little voice popped up in the back of the car…”I have new teeth too Nana”. It was Rohan. He has his 4 new molars that are in the midst of coming up in the back and we didn’t mention them…bad Mommy! He had been at the dentist earlier in the week and although we had noticed them, the dentist confirmed they are his final baby teeth.

Edzea’s new swim instructor tells us that she has passed every item on the list for her swimming lessons that she just began. Luckily, she is the only one in the class so her teacher can work on doing stroke development with her now. She’s stuck in this level until she’s 6 years old.

So, goal is laps by 6 years old ha ha!