Bring on the Bay

Just a quick post for me!! They had my results wrong (which I knew!) for the 3km open water swim I did last weekend in the Ottawa river. I was 78th out of 500 people. And 5th in my category by a 40 sec. margin from 1st -5th. So, not so bad for an old geezer. And the female National Elite 17year old that I’m swimming with in my lane this summer was 2nd overall in the swim and I can actually keep up with her in workout by some miracle!!! Hoping to do better next year! And I had a race pace of 1:34 per 100. Not too bad post pregnancy! Plus out of the females in the swim I was 27th out of all ages/wet suit/non wetsuits 244 women who participated.

Charlotte’s Mermaid Birthday Party

My computer photos aren’t working again. Lack of memory as usual. Anyways, here is one pic of Edzea and her friend, Charlotte, who just turned 5. Ariel, the Mermaid Princess, attended and was very popular! Edzea was very sleep deprived so had a good time but did NOT want to stay in her costume and did NOT want to have her picture taken! Her jewellery was accidentally forgotten at home so the costume wasn’t quite complete. I made her mermaid tail (with no sewing!) and her seaweed hair and crown. I’ll upload more pics as my computer allows!

July 17th

Neve rolls from back to front and front to back. Has been doing back to front for about a week. Keep forgetting to add this. Also, she sits in between the nursing pillow and leans forward to get toys and back to sitting. She’s also fallen forward on to her tummy a few times from there. She is also our squealer. She squeals constantly when she is happy. It’s pretty cute but she’s pretty noisy!

Last weekend when I was sick, we started Edzea on a little reading program. Didn’t get to another day until today during our thunder and lightning. She can read two little books in the BOB book series. Simple little reading program using phonics and sight words to teach. It has mini-lessons with it. Her chalkboard is coming in handy so we do max. 15 min lesson which she likes. Rohan participates in his own way! We are going over the letters/spelling of his name with him. He surprised me the first day by knowing all but the N. He draws all over the chalkboard while I’m trying to teach. He draws H’s and he draws ladders. He has a fascination with ladders. He also matched the letter C from a matching game we were doing on the floor with what I had written on the board. In his own way, he wants to “play” the “reading game” with us but I just let him freewheel around us. I’m trying to make it fun, short with no pressure and treats at the end!

I give a chocolate chip at the end of a lesson for good work! even if Rohan has completely annihilated the lesson. Edzea is a bit mortified that he gets anything AFTER she reads a WHOLE book by herself!!! She has now read the first two books in the program. They are VERY simple VERY simple 6-8page books.

Ex. Page 1-Mat.

Page 2. Mat sat.

Page 3. Sam

Pg. 4 Sam sat.

Pg. 5 Mat sat. Sam sat.

Pg. 6 Mat sat on Sam etc. etc.

Edzea has two weeks straight of swimming lessons before we leave for holidays. She is doing really well now. We’ve spent a lot of time in the water in the past little while letting her play and explore her newfound skills. She now likes to dive under the water and pretend to play mermaid. She is super eager with her teacher and always wants to be the first one to do EVERYTHING! She’s the smallest in her group but the most enthusiastic. She’s a slow swimmer, her kick needs work, but she tries to do it all PERFECTLY! I will take some video and upload it soon.

July 2nd Fitzroy Harbour Beach Day


Beautiful weather for a beach day and forced kids to nap on the drive which they needed since they didn’t sleep in after going to bed at 11pm last night!!! Aaaah!

Lots of time was spent in the water but didn’t get any shots of that as we were trading time in water/time with Neve between us and the camera doesn’t zoom that far.

Canada Day 2012

Well we had a great Canada Day again this year. It started out with a twist…Edzea didn’t like the shirt I had gotten her. It was too big so we went searching for last year’s shirt. It was too small. So I had a sleeveless white tank for her that she thought we could design a maple leaf on. I said, no problem, after breakfast we will work on it. She took the shirt and ran out of the spare room where I had all of her old clothes stored. I was just putting away some of the clothes when I proceeded to her room where she was at her desk drawing a RED maple leaf on her shirt in red marker…needless to say…she was in trouble! for not listening BUT I was impressed with her confidence and ability to try and do a maple leaf. The issue was that I told her she was NOT to do it until after breakfast with ME. So we had some drama, some time out, some BIG tears until we later painted over her design with fabric paint and she was happy as a clam with her homemade t-shirt.

We stayed at home for the morning as the festivities in Stittsville don’t begin until 3pm. We let the kids have later, longer naps so that we could attempt to keep them up for the fireworks this year (Neve dependent). Anyways, we headed out at 5pm with our picnic dinner, our lawn chairs and Canada Day outfits. We found a great place in the shade in front of the stage and were met by Allan & Katherine who had already been at the big festivities downtown on Parliament Hill.

Later on, Amanda, Paul & kids joined us. It was almost like being in Yellowknife except that we all agreed…the BUGS were WAY better here!

The kids had a great time and Neve fell asleep at about 7pm and was passed around from person to person throughout the evening. She woke up when the fireworks began!

An Asian lady was fascinated with Neve. She couldn’t really speak english and we could tell she was itching to take photos of the Canada Day baby…who was in a red/white striped onesie. She finally just started snapping away (without asking…cultural difference!! ha ha). Of course, we had no problem with it but it was so funny that she had NO idea that you don’t do that here.

Kids had lots of fun and so did we.

Will write more about the rest of our weekend when I’m not so pooped.