Edzea’s first haircut

Edzea had her very first haircut today at almost exactly 3years 8 months old. It didn’t need cutting in terms of volume or length but it has been really ragged looking with her curls and dry and knotted. I’m hoping this little trim will keep it easier to maintain and look better than it has. I have to put leave-in conditioner in her hair after her bath each night now so I’m hoping this stops the rats nest at the back that she wakes up with each morning.

So, she attended her first gymnastics plus class with her coach today “Pink” but Tim had to take her as I had an ultrasound at the same time. Baby is lying in breech position. Hopefully she turns or I’m in for a c-section.

Another teacher at her ballet class which she had after gymnastics came to tell me that she is extremely co-ordinated and has a “talent” for dance too. Wow! Tim and I are pleased.

I’ll post some pics of her haircut tomorrow. She was with my hairdresser, Rachel who is Filipino and has nice warmth with kids. Like Rowena. Edzea liked her as Rachel hugged her right away and talked really animated and cute too her the whole time. Kept saying how beautiful her hair was and how cute she was. She brought Brownie with her. She thought his “fur” might need to be cut too!