Edzea Update

This is just going to be a quick post as a reminder to myself…of “kids say the darndest things!”. So I took Edzea and Rohan to a new splash park a couple of days ago and Edzea was having lots of fun. She wanted to take her hat off so that she could completely soak her head. She did this a few times and was giggling hysterically then came out with “Oh God. Oh God!” Tim and I have told her that that is not a nice word to say…so she looks at me, contemplates, and then asks me…”but Godmother, is Godmother a bad word Mommy?” and I say “no”. There are other parents there kinda chuckling as I have this conversation with her. So she goes off and gets herself soaked again and yells out, “Oh Godmother!” I chuckled to myself but then told her it would be better to use ” Oh Gosh”. So there you go. A moment in time that I didn’t want to forget. It was so cute and funny!

She is also doing swimmingly in swimming lessons at the moment. The teacher has told me that she will be too advanced for the class I’ve signed her up for after this one but unfortunately I can’t co-ordinate the time slot of the other one so I’m not sure how to resolve it. I may end up in the water with her all month just so she doesn’t have to regress with timid kids. Oh well, I want her to keep doing well so looks like I’m getting wet all month!