Outdoor Fun

We’ve had a great week, mostly since Tim left for YK on Monday am. Kids have had lots of outdoor play and although it started raining today, they still had fun!

Monday, kids went to swimming lessons in the afternoon. Rohan is now putting his face in for his instructor and floats on his back with a noodle assisted. He’s having fun! They have a new playground at the entrance of the pool so we get there a little early to play and stay a little later so kids can play and eat their lunch there. My only complaint: bark mulch. Hate the stuff for playgrounds, have always hated it. Little itchy slivers get into your shoes all the time and I can’t wheel the stroller in. Had a playdate at Amanda’s afterwards and kids got to use their neighbours HUGE outdoor trampoline-they had lots of fun. SInce they didn’t nap, they went to sleep easily that night.

TODAY was the FIRST day that we’ve been able to hold Neve’s hands and walk her. She is amazingly stable, should be walking but won’t. The only reason she did it or started it today was because Edzea held her and tried it out. So the novelty of having Edzea play with her like that was motivating and then she let me hold her hands and I was surprised by how little I had to hold while she walked towards Rohan and Edzea as motivation. She should be walking soon! She stands on her own and lets go on her own…so not quite sure why she won’t walk when she will be able to quite easily. Anyways, we’re excited that she finally is letting us walk her!

Mitchell came and played with the kids yesterday and stayed for dinner. I asked him to call his Dad and then I spoke to his Dad. His Dad said it would actually help him as he had some things to get done. I said it helped me as the kids will play in the back yard forever with Mitchell around. Over dinner, it turns out that we were talking about Mitchell’s family background-his Dad grew up in Yellowknife!!!! Small world. I’ll have to mention it next time we chat on the phone!

Mason came over to play with the kids today. I let them skip their naps to be with him. He is such a nice kid and it gave his Dad( Dev’s husband, Steve) a break while Colby napped. While Neve napped, the kids played outside the whole time, even when it started to rain! They used the gazebo as a fort and set up blankets to “camp” in it. We made birdfeeders, kids did a scavenger hunt and then painted rocks. We dropped Mason off at about 4:30 and then dropped in to the new people’s house at 1 Links to drop off a birthday invite for the new 4 year old girl, 3 year old boy in the neighbourhood. Their house is almost the exact same layout as ours. Same facade exactly. Edzea seemed excited to meet a new girl in the neighbourhood who might be in her French immersion class at A.Lorne next year.

Here are some pics of the kids with Mason today.

Degas Inspired Ballerina Painting

Tonight Edzea and I went to a painting workshop for a Degas inspired Ballerina painting. She did the whole thing herself. I just talked her through the drawing a little at the start. Otherwise, it was all her. She had a great time and wants to do the life-size portrait class next and then there is a parliament buildings workshop again that she wants to do.

I’m starting a class at the Ottawa school of art tomorrow afternoon. 8 or 9 Sunday afternoons. I can’t wait! The instructor looks fantastic and I had to go into the vaults of my art supplies to get all of my stuff ready for class tomorrow. I’m going to be rusty but I’m looking forward to it. Thanks to Tim for letting me have the time to myself!

Also, we have provided Edzea with a light in her bed for reading at night. She wanted some time to “read” in her bed so we have provided her the opportunity. She asked me if she could read me a book tonight in addition to the one I was reading her. I said, sure. So the book was called “Is the spaghetti ready?” She said she thought the title was ” Is the restaurant ready?-so that is the only correction I gave her. She read the whole thing to me and then Tim. It had tons of words she didn’t know and I didn’t know that she could read. She said that she worked hard on figuring it out and that she just thought about how Mommy and Daddy would do it and then she did it. So this is ALL good!!!! We are excited about her continuing to read for pleasure…it’s definitely our pleasure too!