Last Weekend in May

+25 Beach and BBQ weather. We bought a sprinkler for the lawn and Edzea got to play in it. Brought out her kiddie pool and enjoyed the summer weather sans bugs so far.

Here are some pics from last weekend at Paul and Amanda’s house of the younger ones. Rohan, Madyson and Owen. Madyson is Haydon’s little sister and Owen is Georgia’s little brother. Supposedly (I didn’t see it) but our little one was kicking and kicking and kicking and moving like crazy (surprise, surprise) when the babies were all lying there and the rest were pretty much stationary. He’s going to play soccer for sure!

Rohan is 3 months, Madyson 2 1/2 mos and Owen about a week 1/2 older than Rohan. Rohan is the longest. So maybe basketball too? or Pairs Ice Dance?

May Long Weekend Update etc.

Here are some pics from last weekend and from Tim’s paternity leave week. We had a busy long weekend. A birthday party at Haydon’s house for his Daddy Paul on Saturday night. See pics of Edzea pulling Georgia in the wagon and then Haydon pulling the girls. It was a beautiful day. The bugs are not out yet so we’ve spent plenty of time outdoors.

The next night I forgot my camera but Yose & Maria invited us to go for a bbq picnic at the Yellowknife River which was great again. Beautiful weather and they brought their canoe and Edzea got to go for a ride which she loved.

Emily’s 2nd birthday party was on Saturday and all Edzea cared about was the cake. She embarassingly kept yelling out “where’s the cake” during the very very sedate/quiet gift opening. You can see she enjoys her cake our girl.

We took her to Canadian Tire on Wednesday after her day at Nancy’s house to pick out a new tricycle which was a gift from Grandma & Grandpa. She is enjoying it and slowly learning to pedal. She’s still a little small for it but she likes to try!

For the first time in AGES, Edzea played by herself in her sandbox giving Mommy & Daddy a break for a change. We are LOVING our sandbox! She is starting to discover that not having Mommy & Daddy constantly hovering over you isn’t so bad. You can take off your socks & shoes in your sandbox and start covering your whole body with sand. She kept looking over her shoulder to see if we were looking while she did this. We pretended not to notice until later as we were happy she was occupying herself for a change! Here we come Mabel Lake beaches!

Oh, there’s also a pic of Daddy’s sandwich presentation for lunch one day. Daddy is experiencing all aspects of being a stay-at-home Dad…he’s decided that work is less stressful. At least people “pretend” to do what you say there. They don’t throw themselves on the ground in fits of defiance.

Ok, enjoy the pics.

Tummy Time etc.

Here are just a few pics of Rohan as I realize I haven’t been documenting him as well as I did  Edzea at this age. This is how his limited ( a few minutes at a time) of tummy time are going and some of his smiles. I’ve included a pic of Edzea and her tummy time at about 2 months. *Someone* wasn’t happy about all of the attention that Rohan was getting so kept telling me to take pictures of her too while she was eating on the couch…so not the greatest pic of her.

We are looking forward to our Long Weekend and then paternity leave week with Tim next week. YAY!

Rohan Update

This is for the baby book as a reminder to me. On May 16th-10 1/2 weeks old, Rohan laughed for the first time. I’ve heard giggles in his sleep but this was his first laugh out loud. He laughed at his elephant above his change table. He now laughs daily when I change his t-shirt or towel him/wash him around his neck. I believe he’s ticklish there. He is also sleeping up to 7 hours in his bassinette at a time.

Here are some pics from the past weekend with my first cousin, Maarten’s, visit to Yellowknife. We had our first bbq of the year at Long Lake on Saturday night and then a hike to Cameron Falls the next morning.

Rohan’s Update

2 month immunization: Rohan is now 13 lbs 5 oz and 90% percentile for weight.

23 ” and 75th percentile for length.

Doing well and cooed for the entire appt until he got his 3 needles. Ouch and was fussy for the day. Poor little guy.

Edzèa’s 2nd Birthday Family Day

So we spent the day at home today as we were trying to have Edzèa get over her cold before her “way too big” birthday party on Saturday.

Key points from today. When Tim and I went into her room at 7am to sing “Happy Birthday” to her, she asked: where’s my cake? My Cake? See it. I want to see it.

She repeated this over and over again until she was distracted by her pile of presents on the dining room table and her anticipation of waffles for breakfast.

She received: a pair of Flower gumboots from Bumpa, she will be receiving a tricycle from Grandma & Grandpa (pending the re-opening of the channel on the Mackenzie River), lots of cute clothes from Bumpa & Nana as well as a pile of Dr.Seuss books and two great puzzles. Mom & Dad gave her an easel with a chalkboard on one side, a bubble machine, sunglasses and the big hit of the day: soft pom pom balls which she played with for the majority of the day.

Since she asked for a cake and I wasn’t planning on having one for her thinking she wouldn’t notice…(oops…I forget who my daughter is)-I ended up getting a cake and putting a #2 candle on it. We brought it in and she was happy but commented on two things afterwards…

“Where are my kids?” and looked around kind of forlornly. We tried to explain that all of her “kids” would be coming on Saturday. And then she commented “1 candle”. She knew she should have had two. Who knew????

Anyways, this is a quick and dirty post just to mark down the fun moments.

Oh, also, when she and Nana were playing for a while and Nana commented on her pretty new skirt. She replied” It’s from the Sally Ann.”

Which it wasn’t!!! I actually bought this outfit new for a change but we got a good laugh out of it.