
Haven’t written since before Christmas and am pooped tonight but wanted to add a couple of photos and updates:

Edzea started skiing lessons last weekend. We are doing a parent and tot class. It is a lot of fun and Edzea is catching on really quickly. She did not want to leave at all the first lesson day. So we stayed for 4 1/2 hours. It was +7. She was able to snow plow and do “french fries” (parallel) her first day out! Although we are now practicing snow plow (pizza) more vigourously to use for stopping, steering in the right direction etc. We’ve been really lucky with our Saturday weather-+3 this past Saturday too! It’s tons of fun and Mt.Pakenham is a nice little ski hill for beginners.

Here are a few pics. I haven’t been able to get any video/pics of her skiing as I am tandem with her at all times! so far!

We headed to Haydon’s Superhero 5th Birthday party after our lesson this weekend. Next weekend, Mathieu turns 5 too. So much has happened in 5 years!

Tim finished Rohan’s bed over the past couple of weeks. Rohan is sleeping in it for the first time tonight. He is soooo excited about it! So cute!

Neve has her upper front teeth almost fully in now too. So bottom two, top two eye teeth and now the front. She also stood momentarily on her own yesterday, twice.