Quiet Fall Weekend

We spent a nice quiet weekend this weekend as a family. We had a babysitter (under supervision) come in and look after Edzea while we worked around  the house on Saturday/Sunday mornings. His name is Cole. Edzea loves him. He is the owners of SSI’s son and Edzea has known him for a while but this is the first time she’s had his undivided attention. He just finished his babysitting course and only lives a few blocks away and he was a great babysitter. She didn’t bug us at all while he was here playing with her. He brought a knapsack full of new fun toys for her to play with as well.

As you can see from the photos, she quite likes him. Notice the stamps on her face….well, Cole is still only 11 and he was painting with her and I brought out some scrapbooking stamps/ink and I wasn’t really thinking. The next thing I know she is stamped all over her face and arms the next time I see her. Luckily they all washed off easily even though they weren’t washable! They had fun anyways and he makes her laugh a lot.

On Saturday night, we went to Javaroma for a music night with Edzea and Tracey and Markham and Mackenzie. The girls danced all over the floor and were quite the favourites with the crowd. We kept them up past their bedtime as we are trying to get out and do something on the weekend and had heard this coffee music night was baby-friendly. They liked the music more than we did and were happy to be out.

We are gearing up for Betsy Jones visit tomorrow and our H1N1 shots. Edzea has her second gymnastics class tomorrow morning and we have Kindermusic in the afternoon.

We’ve decided that Edzea is not a Princess at all. She is a Queen. The boss. Each day it becomes more clear.

She is now reciting her ABC’s by repeating after us. I have an art history ABC book for her and we go through it daily. She loves her ABC puzzle and her numbers puzzle. She is no longer interested in simple puzzles. They are too easy. So, we keep trying to get things a little more complicated for her. It’s hard to know what is too difficult and what is appropriate. It’s a hit and miss game. I didn’t think she was ready for ABC’s and 123’s last week and this week…I was proven wrong. I need more simple reader books too. She loves the simple reader of the three little pigs and follows along with words.

The words/phrases are too many to count. Basically she will try to say any word you say and will usually use it again if it is interesting to her. Example: Money…she says this one a lot now.

  1. Banana
  2. Vegetables
  3. Queen
  4. Game
  5. Puzzle
  6. Mackenzie
  7. Work-Daddy Work
  8. Bed, Crib
  9. Rose
  10. Eggs
  11. Zoo

The list goes on….she recites every word in her alphabet book so at least 26 new words right there.

That’s all for now.

October 19th

This is Edzèa hiding out from the Yellowknife Paparazzi aka Mommy. She decided that this is the outfit she wanted to go out in the rain the other day.

Today, we had our first gymnastics class. She is the only one under 2 1/2 in her class so she isn’t accomplishing much but she had fun and got her first stamp on her hand which she loved!

Kindermusic was this afternoon and she behaved like I would expect a 17 month old to for a change. It was a shock to me as she is usually so much better behaved and a good listener. Today, she had her own agenda and that was to get the balls that were visible out of a box and all of the other Kindermusic items out of boxes as well as to get the baby doll off a shelf it was hiding on. The instructor finally let her have it but then Mackenzie had a complete tantrum because Edzèa had it and not her. All in all…not that great a class.

Someone in class told me that their daughter had a doll that looked exactly like Edzèa and another woman kept commenting on how adorable she was. She wasn’t being that adorable to me today!

She also loves Halloween things. Anything scary and monster-ish, is of high interest. There is a demonic- looking Frankenstein doll at the coffee shop and she is always trying to hug and kiss it. Her taste in men already needs improvement! She can say Halloween too!

Words Update

Last night, during dinner, Tim called Edzèa a “wacko” as she was goofing around. She looked at him and said “wacko” right back. We all laughed so hard that she did it a few more times for effect.

So here’s a brief update of new things I can remember that she says now. I’m way behind on the list and every day she says more.

She has dolls that she dresses up and yesterday came to me and said “naked”. She repeats this a lot as she gets laughs from this one too. We tell her that when it is bath time she is “naked” so “naked” is also a new favourite word.

  1. Turkey
  2. Pumpkin
  3. Downstairs
  4. Upstairs
  5. Jacket on
  6. Hat on
  7. Boots on
  8. Lots of “ing” words-she’s added these to her list of most verbs ie. eating, walking, running,
  9. playing, sleeping
  10. Phrases like: Mommy put hat on
  11. Zaya potty too
  12. She adds “too” to lots of phrases
  13. Zaya too
  14. Couch
  15. Table
  16. Rice
  17. Grapes
  18. Clothes
  19. Off/on
  20. In/Out
  21. Counting: up to Ten (she repeats after you but can’t do five or seven very well)
  22. Wake up-like this week she wanted Bruce to wake up each morning
  23. Drums
  24. Kiss
  25. Sorry (she can’t say “s” at the beginning of words yet though)
  26. What’s That?
  27. See ya
  28. Fork
  29. Tea Party
  30. Go Home (Zaya go home)
  31. House
  32. Names of all of her friends almost perfectly: Haydon, Natalie, Mackenzie (Menzie) , Dylan (Din), Georgia
  33. Kids

The big jump in the past two weeks has been her ability and attempts to sing the songs she knows with us: Frere Jacques, Twinkle, Twinkle, Bumblebee, Happy and You know it, Itsy Bitsy Spider and a variety of other ones.

Every day she says something new and connects words into phrases, unfortunately I can’t remember many off the top of my head right now.

We are probably at about 200+ words now not including phrases/songs etc.

Happy Thanksgiving

Well, we survived. The pictures I took were random and not staged or great so forgive me. It was kind of crazy with 6 toddlers running around and 17 adults trying to keep track of them in our round-a-bout house. The kids had a great time. We set up two long tables in the dining room to accommodate all 17 adults for a sit-down-ish dinner. It worked well. There was LOTS of food but we still didn’t end up with much in the way of leftovers. Everyone brought their signature Thanksgiving side dish and we had 6 desserts in the end. I made the ham in the slow cooker as I didn’t have room in the stove and lucky I did. We had a 17 lb turkey that completely went and the half of the large ham. All in all, a fun night and here are some pics. I will post a video when Tim wakes up. Here it is, unfortunately I grabbed my camera after they had been doing this for a while so this part is less interesting but there is another one to follow of Edzea dancing this morning:

Thanksgiving Dancing

Dancing Edzea

Today, we’re taking Bruce for a drive out along the Ingraham Trail to Cameron Falls and doing a tour around Yellowknife.

Here are some pics of Uncle Bruce and his niece this morning.


Bruce and I walked downtown today and it was cold! We took Edzèa in to a gym program at one of the schools. She played hockey with Uncle Bruce, rode a trike, played ball and ran around. It was the coldest day we’ve had in Yellowknife so far. Winter is here. Yuck. Bruce was a bit shocked!

Here are some pics of Edzèa that her Daddy took of her vaccuuming last week, dressing up and wearing Nana’s Halloween Mickey Mouse costume today.

Quick Update

SNOW! SNOW! SNOW! It officially started snowing small flakes yesterday. Today we were frosted with an ample load! Bruce arrived and commented that he had just been at the beach in Vancouver last week. He’s finding it a little chilly! and it’s only -1. We still have plans to take him on a hike to Cameron Falls on Monday and some walks around town.

Edzèa is thrilled to have her Uncle Bruce here. In fact, she makes sure he plays dress-up, tea party and that he reads to her. She wanted him to give her her bath tonight but was hijacked by Daddy. Lucky for him. He says he’s prepared to buy ear plugs at Walmart as Tim warned him that we are having night wakings again. LOUD night wakings! And his room is right beside hers.

Here are some pics from the past little while. Playing play dough with her Daddy, Family Centre Snack time and playing in the kitchen (her favourite thing to do), dressing up with Uncle Bruce and reading some new books that Nana sent up to her.

Bye for now. Wish for warmer weather for us please!!

Tim is going to scan our 20 week ultrasound pics and I’ll post them here when he does. The baby looks like Edzèa from the profile and is healthy and normal looking so far.