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Well, we started off the morning with our blueberry cereal which is going over well. It’s extremely messy but she seems to like blueberries. We are trying to add some variety instead of her usual BANANA fixation.

We were up on and off most of the night as Edzèa caught a cold and wasn’t very comfortable. Then Daddy had a big work problem and didn’t sleep at all. He worked all day today too and is still working. So, we went to see Santa Claus by ourselves. The Festival of Trees is a Yellowknife fundraiser and has a visit from Santa for the kids along with crafts and goodies. Edzèa wasn’t overly impressed with Santa so she pulled hard on his beard and gave Mommy a very dirty look for leaving her with this strange man!

We were also given a sheet of decorative Christmas paper with Santa’s address on it to write to Santa. We plan to do this tomorrow! Today was busy without Daddy to spend “quality-time” with us!

Here are some pics of her in her Snowgirl outfit that I picked up at the flea market last year.

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And finally, a pic of Mommy and Edzèa at Javaroma with the other Mommies after our visit to Santa.


Oh, I forgot to mention, we are going to have to lower Edzèa’s crib. When she sits in her crib, she has discovered that she can manoeuvre herself to the side and…AAAAAHHH!!! She shocked me on this one. I was sitting doing something in the chair in her room when I felt “someone” staring at me….

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On a side note, I was supposed to paint a Holiday Christmas mural for SSI Micro today but I was counting on Daddy to “parent” his daughter which didn’t happen. So, next Sunday, I’m painting a winter landscape for SSI for their winter promotion. I’m looking forward to it as I haven’t had a chance to paint…since before she was born!!!

Long Time No Write

Just a quick note while the two babies I’m looking after (including Edzèa) are sleeping!!! I wanted to post some quick pics of our cutie and her Cheerio fixation right now. She loves trying to put them in her mouth. She gets one or two in at a time. I will try to update the blog in the next week if I can. It’s been busy since we got home. And we are leaving again in two weeks! We are all heading off tonight to a Christmas party at the gym that we go to. Our friend Troy is babysitting the two girls while Tracey, Markham, Tim and I go out. I’ve had Mackenzie all day so I will have about 15minutes to shower and get ready tonight but THAT is the life of a MOM!!!

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