
It’s stinking hot here. I can’t wait to go to Vancouver tomorrow. Brief updates, Neve is rolling from front to back at 3 mos. Also turns herself in a circle and inched forward on her tummy yesterday yikes!

Edzea passed to the next level in swimming. I have her signed up for swimming and gymnastics for July. Plus Rohan and I are going to do Parent & Tot swimming together,

Year End Activities & Father’s Day

End of year for gymnastics. Daddy and Rohan in Mini Moons and Edzea in the Komet Kids Plus class with coach, Pink. Edzea will be doing one more session of this program and then she moves to the 1 1/2 hour timeslot of Advanced Superstarrs for 5,6 year olds in January. It’s the next advanced class. They are having her skip the other class. She still loves gymnastics so we’ll see where it takes us. Rohan loves it too! I have streams of video of this day-the photos are terrible as I took mostly video but I’m having problems editing due to the memory it’s taking up on the computer. I will post it when I get it resolved!

Father’s day was spent leaving the house at 6am and heading to Amanda’s place. We had a strange gas smell throughout the house and we were told by the fire dept to evacuate. So, Tim stayed and met with the fire department and they couldn’t find anything. We came home and gave Daddy all of his cards, gifts (ones made from preschool, daycare and at home). Then we headed to Saunders Farm for a few hours. We have a Season Pass for the year so we can afford to go for a few hours at a time now and it’s SOOOO close for us. Really happy about this.

Daddy set up the crib in our room for Neve. Edzea understands that she has to prove that she can be quiet when she wakes up in the morning and any middle of the night shenanigans won’t be tolerated if she wants Neve to move into her room…which she does of course! We’ve given her a week to prove herself before we move Neve into her room. For now, she’s still with us.

Also, Rohan drank blue Tide yesterday…called Poison Control… and everything turned out to be ok but it was fairly scary and stressful at the time! We figure he thought it looked like blue freezie juice. Yikes! Gave me a heart attack!

Friday we went to Edzea’s preschool year end Family Picnic. Somehow all of those photos are missing from my camera. Hope to get my techie husband to figure out what happened. They were there yesterday???!!!


Last day of Preschool

Quick post. Amanda worked my duty day for me at the preschool-last day for Edzea because I wasn’t allowed to bring Neve for insurance reasons. So annoying. Anyways, Edzea was ok with Amanda as my replacement. Luckily for me, Amanda took pics for her last day:

It’s a sprinkler kinda day!

Today was STINKIN’ hot and humid. I had the air conditioner on inside but this afternoon after naps…the kids headed outside for sprinkler/pool time and so did Mommy! You can see our latest addition to our garden too…our bird bath that Rohan picked. He says it’s “Happy” the dwarf from Snow White. The boy still loves gnomes!

Afterwards…they played inside as it was cool and you can see that they were playing Edzea as “Mommy” and Rohan as “baby aka little one”. Edzea was “feeding” him like I feed Neve and he did exactly what she told him! Then we had a picnic dinner in the basement where it was cool. Daddy goes to soccer on Monday nights so I just made pizza bagels,fruit/ veggies and ice cream cones for dessert!

More Garden Pics & Neve is 3 mos old now!

Didn’t do much this weekend other than gardening and spring cleaning in the house. Amanda babysat for us on Saturday night so Tim and I could go out. We went to the Ashton Mill Pub about 5 min. away from our house in the sleepy ghost town of Ashton. It was really good! Great food and neat atmosphere. We decided to go to a movie after dinner as Amanda wasn’t having any problems with Neve…the other two acted up for her but Neve slept through it all! I fell asleep during the movie!

I potted a few planter pots this weekend. Amanda and I went to a Farmer’s Market in Kanata for some plants and then today we went to the Herb Garden near our place. The Herb Garden is a beautiful little spot. Nothing but herbs to sell but really great atmosphere although I’m not sure if the owner likes kids at all. She was a little rude and cool to the kids when we were there although they have a playground there too.

Took Edzea to public swim by herself during nap time today. She is continuing to improve her swimming. She jumped into the mid-deep (over her head) water today with me there in front of her and swam to me and we practiced going from me to the edge swimming from there. She has a lot of swimming ahead of her as I’ve signed her up for every day swimming lessons again this summer, with Rohan and I concurrently taking Parent & Tot and Neve to childminding.

Tim said Rohan did really well at his swimming lessons with Tim today too. He swam on his own, kicking and blowing his bubbles with a noodle wrapped around him. So, three times for him this week is helping too.

The weather is so stinking humid and hot that the pool is appealing so we’ll be spending a fair bit of time there before we leave for the west.

I injured my back after gardening yesterday so Tim looked after the kids later this afternoon. Unfortunately he wasn’t able to complete our lawn due to me needing him while I rested my back with Neve. Eventually, our lawn will get seeded!

Also, the mini van had an emergency trip to the Dodge dealership yesterday on the way back from gymnastics. The brakes were shot. They replaced them yesterday and we were able to get the car back last night. We have found out that we can fit all three kids in the back of the Xtrail now that Edzea is in a booster seat. She fits snugly in the middle.

Last week of preschool for Edzea before summer holidays. On Friday we will have a Family picnic with the school for the whole family. Tim has taken the day off to join us too. We are planning to go the the Canadian Golf & Country Club restaurant for Father’s Day brunch next weekend to check it out.

Day in the Garden

These are pictures from our day today. Edzea wears her new wooden shoes from Bumpa to do all of her gardening.  Kids and I spent some time in the garden as usual although I didn’t get anything accomplished today. I have lots of planting to do. Chippy has now eaten our sunflower shoots too so we really have to cage our kids garden patch somehow.

Rohan and Neve both ended up in my bed during nap time today and Rohan wanted to hold hands with Neve and fell asleep doing so. So cute!

A big toad hopped through our garden today. The kids were thrilled of course! We also found a goldmine of wild strawberries at the edge of our property today…Edzea was so excited she sprinted into the house to get us a container to pick them in. About 2 minutes after we started picking, the thunder shower that had been threatening unleashed upon us so we decided to pick up on our picking again tomorrow!

We did something special tonight. We went out to the late night public swim (late for the kids!) from 7-8:30 pm. I wanted to reinforce Edzea’s latest swimming accomplishment. Sure enough, she had a fantastic time and is just getting better and better. I was in the water with her and Rohan for the first part until Neve started fussing and Rohan cut his foot on the hot tub???!!! so then Tim took over and swam with Edzea while I took the other two into the change room. I’ve signed us all up for about 3 weeks of daily swimming lessons in July before we head west. Edzea will have her lessons at the same time as Rohan and I go into lessons and I’ll have Neve in childminding at the pool. So, hopefully Rohan gets more and more comfortable in the water too.


Swimming!!! 4yrs 1 month old

Edzèa is FINALLY swimming! She now kicks and glides on her front and kicks and swims on her back without assistance. She’s had MANY MANY occasions where she has floated on her own for brief periods but ALL of the pool time we’ve put in with swimming lessons has finally come together! I took her and Rohan to the pool today and Neve into childminding (they love her, she coos and smiles all the time-they were walking her around the facility and the staff were all holding her etc.). Finally, for me, she swims. We’ll see how she does this afternoon at swimming lessons.

I have tried really hard not to get frustrated with her reticence about taking her feet off the bottom and doing it on her own. She floats on her front and back in the bath without issue…BUT IT HAS BEEN SO FRUSTRATING FOR ME!!! I have been way too emotionally attached to the outcome of her swimming. I JUST wanted her to get over it, take her feet off the bottom and swim. Rohan is worse. He loves sprinklers, he loves baths, he blows bubbles, puts his face in, gets soaked etc. but doesn’t like the pool much. IT DRIVES ME CRAZY!!! Please let Neve be a water baby! I need one!

Ok that’s it, that’s my rant. Edzèa is finally on her way. Thank goodness or I was going to have a nervous breakdown at each swimming lesson! I can move on now!


*** Update she really swam at her swimming lessons today we are finally there!!! She moved her arms, blew bubbles properly under water and swam and swam and swam! YAY Edzea. She is really proud of herself and so are we!! It was parents day today so I had Keira come with us and watch Neve, Amanda took Rohan so I could go in the pool (third time today!!)


So, Edzea woke up the other day and said that she had a dream…that her plants had grown! that was it she said but she was pretty excited about dreaming this.

Also, Rohan was listening to a conversation that Edzea and I were having about my Aunt Claire dying and me going to her funeral. After a while, he piped up, “What does that mean Mommy? What you talking about?” Wow, I was floored. He always surprises me. He also seems to have Edzea’s memory. He was staring up at a bathtowel hook that I got him from IKEA about 8 months ago. He says, “that not the one I wanted Mommy, I wanted the bunny one.” Whoah! I picked the crocodile one up for him after he picked the pink bunny one because…well, it was a boy one and fitted in with the theme of his room better…I had no idea that he really cared or that he would remember 8 months later!!!

I dropped Rohan and Neve (for the first time) off at child minding today at the recCentre while Edzea was at preschool and I had some time to do a fitness class. It was a test to see if I could do it in the future-like tomorrow when I want to take the kids to the pool for preschool swim but don’t want to worry about Neve. She was fine, of course. Not like when I got pulled out again and again and again in Yellowknife with Edzea screaming her head off until I arrived. Neve is casual and is happy when people give her attention. Poor third child!

Neve ALMOST slept through the night last night. I put her down at 7pm. I woke her up at 2:30 am because I needed her to feed! Rohan woke her up at 6am, she fed and went back to sleep with Tim until about 7:30 while I got the kids organized for the day…can you say…DREAM baby!!!

Tim finished building our cubbies this morning YAY! Now we just have some sanding, finishing and then painting to do but I’m soooo happy! Yay! They are done!

Now we just have to wait for the rain to abate so we can finish fixing our grub-infested lawn and continue with our gardening.