February 13th, 2011

Well, today is Mackenzie’s 3rd birthday and the last one we’ll probably join in on. It was lots of fun. It was held at the Yellowknife Gymnastics club and the kids had a ball! We lost track of Rohan at one point as someone yelled out “Rohan!” He had managed to get himself up to one of the balance beams with his hands poised to crawl on to it! We started supervising him more than Edzea at that point. Edzea is always cautious.

The big blue cubes are part of the foam pits they have at the club. You can jump in them like you would into a pool. Edzea finally got the hang of it near the end of the party and enjoyed jumping in. Her brother enjoyed the trampoline more than she did! In fact, Rohan enjoyed the entire party! He was all over the place in the room.

Tracey made an amazing unicorn cake for Mackenzie! Edzea wanted to eat the tail end for some reason which had everyone laughing. She also ate Georgia’s piece when I walked away from her for 5 minutes after telling her she couldn’t. Georgia doesn’t care about cake the same way Edzea does. I came back and Edzea was in the middle of polishing off Georgia’s piece. Stuart said, “I’m on Edzea’s side with this one, why wouldn’t she want to have her cake and Georgia’s too!”

We woke up this morning to Daddy and Edzea making banana waffles with strawberry sauce. Delicious and it seems that Edzea has somehow got Daddy doing waffles (from scratch!) every weekend now! It’s their thing.

Tomorrow we are going to Edzea’s dance class and having Dylan and Gillian over for heart-shaped french toast in the morning.

Enjoy the pics.

Rohan is Almost 1

Poor Rohan. He is almost one and I keep treating him like a baby. I was looking after Haydon today and I had playdough out for the two toddlers. Rohan wanted to see what they were doing so I finally put him up in his high chair and eventually gave him some playdough. He loved it and lasted almost 10 minutes before he gave it a little taste. So, then I made him some pudding paint…which he was welcome to eat…and which he promptly did when I wasn’t looking.  I keep treating him like a baby but he really  is turning into a little boy who wants to try to do everything Edzea is doing and he understands a lot more than I tend to give him credit for.

He was trying to one of Edzea’s tricky jigsaw puzzles in her room today. He knew what he had to do because he’s watched her do them so often but I never thought he would put it all together in his head. Sure enough he was placing the pieces on the board and getting frustrated when we were trying to get it away from him. Unfortunately, he doesn’t get much time to learn/try things on his own with me because the minute I start to play/interact with him solo…the green-eyed monster joins in! Although that goes both ways. He doesn’t like her to sit/cuddle with me either. Aahhhh. The joys of having two and trying to be fair to both!

Today was the first day that Rohan had two naps without much fuss and he completely drank his bottle without fussing and hitting it away before his afternoon nap. I finally had him in his crib for almost an hour and a half this afternoon.

He’s now in his crib all night. He gets fed once at about 2 or 3 am and then sleeps until 6/6:30 when his sister wakes him up. He was cooing/talking to himself for the first time the other morning in his crib. It was sooo nice to hear him wake up like that. Happily, in his crib.

Anyways, this is just an update for me for his baby book.

Misc January 2011

Here are some pics from when we arrived back in YK. We’ve been back since the 17th and it’s been busy.

There are some pics of Haydon’s third birthday party which we attended this weekend. We were able to catch up with most of our friends.

Last weekend, we were invited to Mathieu’s small birthday dinner.  Maria and Yose just invited us over for dinner last Sunday not mentioning Mathieu’s birthday but thankfully I remembered it was his birthday. They decided to have a small gathering and Mathieu chose Edzea and another girl to be at his party. It was fun but Maria was worried after seeing Rohan get into absolutely everything at their house!

Rohan’s one track mind focus is on the stairs at the moment. He is very good at them but we can’t leave him alone for a second because inevitably he’s at the stairs if we haven’t remembered the baby gate. Also, he’s getting his fingers caught in the drawers/cupboards because he is constantly opening/closing them.

He stands for a few seconds right now and he furniture walks everywhere. He’s new trick is to turn the tv off and on over and over again. He turns it on, I have it on the music station, he dances and turns it off again.

His ear infections have cleared up and his mood is much improved. He is eating like a fiend and he is partially weaned. During the daytime he is almost completely weaned.

Edzea is very lovey dovey at the moment. She tells Mommy  & Daddy that we are her favourite parents and she loves us daily.