
One guess who’s the boss in this relationship????!!!This girl wants MORE paint!!!

Edzèa’s latest favourite thing is painting. She remembers that her Bumpa paints so when she paints she says “Bumpa paint” as a statement to acknowledge her wonderful memory…like we need to be reminded…she doesn’t seem to forget much! When she sees a tractor she says “Bumpa tractor”. Both of her Bumpa’s have/do interesting things. She also knows that Bumpa has a boat so whenever she sees a boat she says “Bumpa Boat”. She hasn’t categorized Grandma yet but supposedly Nana is the swimmer! I have a video of  Edzèa swimming at Mabel Lake and Nana is in the video so she’s decided that she and Nana are the swimmers!

Anyways, I digress. We’ve all been sick with a cold since Wednesday so we really haven’t left the house. Tim was the last to be attacked and the first to get over it so he took Friday morning off to look after Edzèa so I could rest. I’m still the worst of the three but I am improving so hopefully we’ll be back to Kindermusic on Monday or Daddy will have to take her.

It looks like we may have found new tenants for the downstairs which we are happy about. We were having a harder time this time around. October is not the ideal month to start a tenancy. Everyone is looking for September.

New words keep flowing from our daughter daily. I don’t know if I’ll be able to recall them all:

  1. Goose
  2. Light (Ight)-she hasn’t cracked the “l” sound quite yet
  3. Daddy
  4. Pat (as in pat Sadie)
  5. Nice
  6. Cracker
  7. Wheat
  8. Cheese
  9. Jacket
  10. Bed
  11. Turtle
  12. Painting
  13. Wallet

There are probably more but I can’t remember them all. She will try any word you ask her to repeat and some she pronounces better than others. It’s happening really quickly.

P.S. Here is a link that I was just given for Karen Morrow’s  (my cousin) Jewellery Blog


The new word of the day is “Old Macdonald”. This is what our daughter asked for this morning and continued to impress us with it throughout the day. I couldn’t believe it when she repeated it after me. She loves the one video that I have for her; Baby Einstein’s Old Macdonald’s Farm. She asks to see it repeatedly. It’s as popular as her wagon. So when she asks for it by name and with such clarity, it’s hard to turn her down. It gives you 45 minutes of baby-free time to do chores around the house. It’s amazing. I can see why people give in to the tv thing although that isn’t in my plans.

Yesterday, we attended our second series of Kindermusic classes with a new instructor. It was 100 times better than with the last instructor and Edzea can actually follow along with some of the actions now. She loves to pretend to swim like a fish during the fish songs. She loves to pretend swim so as soon as the pool re-opens we’ll be back in the water.

We had our welcome back morning to the family centre today. It was a nice change. Edzea enjoyed herself as usual. She especially likes the kitchen area with the dolls/babies and the water play area. I had a hard time moving her from the water station once she discovered it. She needs a chair to boost herself to participate in it but it doesn’t deter her.

We have the family centre for the rest of the week and also gymnastics free play which should be interesting as she seems to like to climb things now.

Also, the minute that we pick up Daddy from work now the first and only word out of her mouth to him is “wagon” over and over and over again. So, the new ritual is that Daddy takes her for a wagon ride as soon as he gets home. This girl NEVER forgets that her wagon is around even though it is hidden in the garage.

Bye for now.

Edzèa’s words at 16 Months

Here’s a list so I won’t forget. These are her words approximately, at 16 months old. Tim says that she also sang “Twinkle Twinkle Little Star” the other night. Her words weren’t all clear but she babbled along in tune. She can also do some of the Old MacDonald song now and her newest words are “wagon, open, messy”. Almost everything I say now she will try to repeat. She is also combining words like Bumpa Tractor, Nana Happy, Dada Bum, Wet Bum, Yes Please, Dance Zaya, Bumpa Boat etc. I’m sure I’ve forgotten a few.

By the way, in the books, at the end of 16months she’s supposed to use 6 words. Also, her words are no indication of her understanding. She understands much more and knows way more words than she can say yet.

1.    Mama
2.    Mommy
3.    Dada
4.    Bumpa (Grandpa)
5.    Nana ( Nana & Banana)
6.    Bamma (Grandma)
7.    Bumblebee
8.    Dino (Dinosaur)
9.    Wagon
10.    Please
11.    Tank u
12.    No
13.    Yes/Yup
14.    Bo-ll-Bottle
15.    Bowl
16.    Plate
17.    Shoes
18.    Cup
19.    Dress
20.    Red
21.    Blue
22.    Yellow
23.    Dance
24.    Walk
25.    Ma-Mackenzie
26.    Dorda-Georgia
27.    Danielle
28.    Do-dan (Jordan)
29.    Chicken
30.    Cracker
31.    Bird
32.    Cat
33.    Dog
34.    Diraffe
35.    Onkey (Monkey)
36.    Book
37.    Amp (Lamp)
38.    Miaow
39.    Moo
40.    Ribbit
41.    Who Who -Owl
42.    Neigh
43.    Quack Quack
44.    Woof Woof
45.    Ribbit
46.    hooohooo ha ha-Monkey
47.    hop
48.    Broom
49.    Sweep
50.    Messy
51.    Star
52.    Dar (Car)
53.    Play Do
54.    Eyes
55.    Ears
56.    Nose
57.    Mouth
58.    Milk
59.    Tray
60.    Belt
61.    Iano (piano)
62.    Hands
63.    Toes
64.    Hat
65.    Mitts
66.    Apple
67.    Water
68.    Bucket
69.    Shovel
70.    Bum
71.    Wipes
72.    Towel
73.    Soap
74.    Ant
75.    Ball
76.    Bear
77.    Bubbles
78.    Grrr
79.    Roar
80.    Maaa
81.    Baaaa
82.    Pig
83.    Oink
84.    Brella (umbrella)
85.    Plane
86.    One
87.    Two
88.    Tree
89.    Rock
90.    Phone
91.    Away
92.    Again
93.    Zaya (Edzea)
94.    Down
95.    Up
96.    Open
97.    Close
98.    Help
99.    More
100.    Baby
101.    Bib
102.    Eat
103.    Ee I O
104.    Doodle Doo
105.    Hi
106.    Bye
107.    Muffin
108.    Doll
109.    Potty
110.    Door
111.    Tactor (Tractor)

112. Drink

113. Wheee

114. Slide

115. Sing (Swing)

116. Happy

117. Wet

118. Flower

119. Boat

120. Box

121. Boots

122. Yippeee

123. Uh Oh

124. Mine

124. Memie (for her blankie)

125. Blankie (she can also say it correctly now but doesn’t choose to unless asked)

125. Shirt

126. Jeans

127. Wait
128. Bug

Sept. Long Weekend and week

Here are some pics from the past week in Yellowknife. We had a miserable cold/wet Long weekend and then this weekend has been +20 which is HIGHLY irregular for this time of year. We were out for a bbq at Long Lake with Gina, Stuart, Georgia, Gillian and Dylan tonight as the weather was so good.

The family centre re-opens next week YAY!! and we are signed up for Kindermusic beginning on Monday. On Friday afternoon I went to a Mommy’s group at my Chinese friend, Ying’s house where we were treated to freshly made sushi and chinese dumplings. I was also introduced to another stay-at-home Mom who is looking to babysit so I may send Edzea there once a week for half a day as Tracey will be busy with a new baby soon and our trading will become non-existent.

We bought the last wagon in Yellowknife on sale at Walmart this week and Edzea helped Daddy put it together. The favourite word of the week is ” Wa-G-ON” She pronounces it perfectly with ane mphasis on the hard “G”.

September Long Weekend in Yellowknife

Haven’t written for a while. Since Edzèa’s Daddy is working all weekend…we had to come up with creative solutions to amuse ourselves at home. We were planning on camping this weekend but Tim sent all of the employees out of town, so he’s on pager duty and hasn’t stopped working all day.  I invited Gina & Georgia and Amanda and Haydon over for the afternoon to keep out of Tim’s hair. The kids had a ball together.

Haydon and Amanda stayed for dinner and Haydon and Edzèa had their second bath together this week. Things are heating up for those two!!!

Plus, I’m attempting to potty train Edzèa. She spends a lot of time on the potty but no action. Has a baby doll who also has her own potty and so really likes to spend time around the potty but doesn’t seem to be able to do the deed yet. This is officially day 1 of potty training.

Also, oblivious to it all, we didn’t find out until later that the smoky smell we were smelling through our open windows was a HUGE fire that had broken out at the Yellowknife dump this afternoon. Everyone was warned to stay inside and close your windows. So the road out to the camp area was closed anyways. This was the message sent out on Facebook.

Friends in Yellowknife please close your windows. There is a fire at the dump. YKFD is on site and fighting it. City heavy equipment is being supplemented by RTL. ENR are working to enable an air attack. YKFD requests that residents stay indoors and keep their windows and doors closed until it is extinguished. Please spread the word.