T & T Asian Food Night

We are making an attempt to expose the kids to more foods. Different flavours etc over the next little while. So far, we’ve had two Asian food nights out. Edzea has been the star so far. Last night we went out to the Asian food market in Ottawa with Maria & Yose & family and picked from a variety of Asian Foods. They had taste testing stations where the kids could try sea cucumber-Edzea & Tim tried it! Dumplings, noodles, Asian ice cream and more! We took a variety home to the Cormiers and tried it all there. Edzea tried everything. Calamari ( squid legs) which she loved, ngiri sushi-salmon-turns out she likes it raw too! Various spring rolls and noodles. Rohan and Neve tried cucumber roll-neither liked it, noodles and Rohan now eats breaded prawns and loves them. Slowly but surely we hope to open up their palettes!